Post by Jim Wilkins
King Chuck 1 lost his head because Parliament controlled taxation.
Chuck 1 was gallivanting around Europe fighting wars and ignoring
Parliament. He finally ran out of money. He had to convene
Parliament. Parliament would give the money but would tie that to
legislation they wanted. The king and parliament argued over it
and then went to war. Parliament's army beat the king's. He lost
and was tried and convicted by Parliament for treason with
punishment being to reduce his height a foot or so.
This informed the writing of the Constitution. Congress has sole
discretion on taxation and spending. The president has sole
control of the army but must come to Congress to pay soldiers and
buy weapons.
Unlike Parliament, our COngress cannot try and convict. Nor can
the president alone. The matter must be taken into a court where
the judge is expected to balance the individual and society and
work their way through the complicated and oft contradictory statutes.
The Congress often combines disparate and unrelated topics into a
single bill. Congress can argue but must make compromises the
members can live with. The president can requests changes but is
confronted with an all or nothing choice: accept everything in the
bill, compromises and all, including parts the president detests,
or reject everything and give it back to Congress.
To function Congress and the president are forced to compromise.
Congress uses this to combine must pass legislation with
legislation the president does not want.
What Congresscritters frequently argue and thus must compress is
how to spend money. This results in large and complicated budget
bills that the Congress members can get enough agreement. Nobody
is expected to get everything they want but to get enough to live.
That result in 'common insensical' spending like bridges to
nowhere and superhighways in West Virginia.
The check on Congress is voters. If they pay attention and when
their representation votes against their interest, they can vote
for others.
The problem at the moment is Magoo do not pay attention to
Congress and reelect legislator actively harming constituents.
They do not like the results of democracy with their stupidity
which is why they are cheering the ending of democracy. Dictators
can override the will of those people with Magoos assuming they
will all always be these people. The truth is dictator have to
make compromises too, but those are done out of public view and
USAID budget is not a secret. Magoos could have been checking it
all this time. And when they see disliked spending write to their
representative and senators. They are highly reactive if their
reelection is endangerred.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed